Baby Not Sleeping Whole Night???Be Patient

Friday, May 13, 2011
After one month of baby's birth, mostly babies start doing a new thing that they want to wake for whole night and sleep in day times. Sometime they not only wake but also use to cry without any reason. It may irritate you and you may got angry on him. Always remember one thing that your baby is new in this world and everything is new for him. This may makes him panic and he may has some feelings of unprotection. Some times there is no problem but the only thing is that your baby wants to play with you because he doesn't know that its sleeping time. No doubt that you are tired and want to fall in sleep and also some mothers face post delivery depression and she needs rest and peace of mind. It may irritate you that your baby is not sleeping but try to understand his feelings. In my opinion, you can do few things to overcome this problem. Firstly, if your baby is not crying and his tummy is full, make him save and now you can go for sleep. Second, if your baby wants to play with you, you should sleep with your baby in day so that you not feel restlessness at night. I also want to advise your spouse that you should take care of your better half and take care of baby for some time so that she can sleep. At the end I suggest you that try to change your baby's routine.


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