See complete details about Aloha Friday here. In this we ask a simple question which doesn't require a lengthy answer. It is good if you post a question on your blog too and let people answer your question too. This is a good way to make new bloggy friends.
My question for this week is: What were your baby's first words? and when?
My Ans: My baby is 14 months old and haven't said any proper word yet... still waiting...
what about Yours?
My 2nd baby is 13 months old, and I swear he says "Ma-ma" to call me, and "Da-da" to call his Daddy. I also hear him say "there" and points somewhere, and he repeats the word "yes" a lot!
My husband was deployed and I was so worried that he would not remember his daddy when he returned...
so, we talked to daddy, watched video of daddy and looked at pictures of daddy..
yeah, DA-DA was his first word!
My kids were late talkers too. I think my daughter's first word was mama and my son was da da. Hard to remember, I'd have to look in their baby book....but I DO remember aroudn 15 months old when my daughter said her first "sentence" - "Dada Bye Bye" cause he worked all the time :(
Princess Nagger's first word was 'DaDa' - I kept trying to have her say 'Mama' first, but to no avail. ;) I honestly can't remember how old she was when she said her first word...but enjoy this time, once they start talking, they never stop! ;)
Aloha: Playdates and Sleepovers
My first word was danny, but I don't know how old i was at the time
It's been awhile since my kids were babies, but I think all of them say DaDa and ByeBye first.
Both kids said Dada first but I don't remember how old they were...hmmm!
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