It was all going good, but I never knew with the term so unfamiliar but actually surviving deep inside me, it was post pregnancy depression. My baby was not much annoying but for no good reason I started being rude to people, over sensitive towards small issues, all the time yelling and being biased from everyone even to my spouse. When I went to my doctor for general checkup I shared these problems to her and then I got to know that many a times after delivery of baby women may suffer from this hormonal disorder.
Disorders, pains, or anything bad doesn't really hurt to the extent when your spouse is unable to understand it was the thing which was pinching me a lot. I was really hurt because whenever I used to cry, my husband used to think it was impractical of me without knowing the fact if am doing so I might be disturbed or upset. When he got to know by a doctor that its really true am clinically not okay then he started understanding me a bit. Well without any medication I started recovering from this depression with a passage of time.
Babies are too demanding this is the foremost feeling I realized. I was really blissful to be the part of this innocent world but also at times whenever anything hurts me, or I myself get disturbed for no good reason my daughter is the only one who gets its effects her innocent eyes when used to look at my angry face I got a smile but with filled eyes it used to hurt me when I don't response her the way she expects or deserves.
I have been hearing this thing since I got senses, babies make the couple bond strong but what I have gone through was bit different. my husband used to be very very careful regarding baby but usually started ignoring me he thinks he can handle her well then me but it was not really true. I understand my daughter more than him or anyone .if she cries he expects me to panic as he used to do whereas I don't want to panic I more try to realize why is she weeping or so and point always came up with a conflict between us.
Love and care is not something which is more obvious when you tell it in words , I know what my baby is for me. She has been always the most beautiful part of me. But this tiny phase of depression and lack of understanding between me and my spouse made this happiness bit less and I started wondering that am I going to prove my love for my daughter to people around me or why my man is not understanding my point of depression or problem. I wished at that time that may these blues get down soon because I love my family and wanted to live happily ever after.
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