Aloha Friday
Question For One Year Old Baby Activities
Bath Time: My Baby's Favorite Time
Aloha Friday
Why My Baby Don't Say MAMA....... : (
Human nature always impatient, and eager for the things they love to have in their lives. As I was when my baby girl was just 5 months and I was like call me mama but in-fact had never heard at that time.
New mothers including me always have questions to mothers of more than one or two child questions like, when my baby will call me ? When my baby will start crawling ? When my baby will start sitting ? When baby will start walking ? And a lot more when when when , how , why not now, etc anxious questions made experienced mothers laugh. I have been always with a big question mark on my face regarding my baby : ) the reason may be I want my baby girl to talk ,walk , and rock with me very soon.
Suggestions I would like to place at this point which I have learned from my experience and also discussed with other friends are, first of all there is nothing to create panic there is time for everything. Babies usually start changing their sides when they are at age of 4-5 months, mothers should get alert at this time cuz initially they might not expecting as I was, my baby fell down from bed when she was 5 months old I didn’t know actually she could move to this extent and I just heard bang sound and a big cry which made me realize she is no more on the bed and its now time to give her more attention. To avoid such bad incidents mothers should give support of pillows , cushions, and buffers around baby while sitting and laying down so that they won't get hurt.
Laughter for no good reason, and cry for no bad reason will be start at this stage of 5 – 6 months. Babies if will like any thing, they will laugh and want it rapidly done again and again. Any annoying attitude can make babies mood very bad and sad abruptly. According to few researches one should not repeat that act from which baby gets annoys because this may can irritate her/him and also can make attitude crabby.
My baby girl has just started sitting now a days but I found her seating posture bit swinging posture because she can't sit for more then 5 minutes as she is just 6 n half months old. I enjoy her while she sits and suddenly gets about to fall in any of the side but I grab her urgently in my arms, usually give her a kiss, a warm hug and let her realize that am here for her and will not let her fall and will always be there to love her.
A lot many things to come over and am waiting to enjoy them and specially when I will hear her first sound saying MAMA...................... :)
Its very easy to criticize but very hard to implement in our own lives I have heard women taunting those mothers who couldn’t feed their child due to any certain reason it doesn't mean that they don't love their child or they don’t care the way other mother do , life teaches us something really important that we should never pass any comment to other person because we never can realize the actual position in which candidate is.
Breastfeed, bottle feed or formula feed MOTHER always want , or intend to have best for her child. If we talk about facts yes breastfeeding may provide baby with countless benefits but if due to any worst case scenario mother won't get able to feed her baby we should never condemn her or make her guilty for this act. On the other hand if mother intentionally don't want to feed her child she herself will guilty when she will realize the benefits of breastfeeding.
As in my previous post I have thoroughly discussed that how mother feed helps child grow in a better way but now I also want to add on few benefits for mothers themselves I would like telling moms that how breastfeed would become easy not only in terms on several benefits for child but also for themselves.
Reduces the risk of breast cancer. Women who breastfeed reduce their risk of developing breast cancer by as much as 25 percent.
Reduces the risk of uterine and ovarian cancer: One of the reasons for the cancer-fighting effects of breastfeeding is that estrogen levels are lower during lactation. It is thought that the less estrogen available to stimulate the lining of the uterus and perhaps breast tissue also, the less the risk of these tissues becoming cancerous.
Benefits child spacing: Since breastfeeding delays ovulation, the longer a mother breastfeeds the more she is able to practice natural child spacing, if she desires.
Promotes postpartum weight loss Breastfeeding mothers showed significantly larger reductions in hip circumference and more fat loss by one month postpartum when compared with formula-feeding moms. Breastfeeding mothers tend to have an earlier return to their per-pregnant weight.
Costs less to breastfeed: It costs much much more, as everything is being expensive day by day this is also very costly.
Most of us just do our best according to our circumstances and knowledge; so if you bottle feed, and it is the best you could do, there is no reason to feel guilty. The MOST essential things children need are LOVE, nurturing, caring, proper discipline, nutrition, education, parents, a home of strong bonding of relationships.
In many cases we just start blaming without knowing the fact that may be what if a mother has an infectious disease such as HIV, the baby has health issues which prevent proper nursing, or the mother is taking any type of drug that can be harmful to the baby, prescribed or otherwise breastfeeding is not recommended. The only special thing in case of bottle feed is to be cared of and to make sure bottles are clean, water is well boiled and Luke warm, and one should do quality measurement of milk which is suppose to dissolve in water.
We should always try to help people around us, help early
stage mothers rather then discouraging them for their any misconduct.
Hundreds of dewdrops to greet the dawn,
Hundreds of bees in the purple clover,
Hundreds of butterflies on the lawn,
But only one mother the wide world over.
~George Cooper
Baby Not Sleeping Whole Night???Be Patient
What my baby said when she was 2 months old
Mothers are not suppose to hear words only, they can feel the child and tell what he or she is up to , if child is in pain she can cure it and if child is happy she can celebrate it this is what motherhood is so precious and artful.
When my baby was just two month old she started looking here and there, she has left the routine of sleeping all the time. Her little responses used to fascinate me a lot. She started giving attention to sound, jingle bells, claps, noises and started paying attention towards bright lights and colors. This change was not may be too obvious for normal person living around but for a mother it was too obvious to understand.
Whenever she is hungry she cries, and I always get the idea by her unique cry that she wants milk, she used to intake milk so speedily that often she get coughs and I always get upset. And then its been always uncertain that whether she has digested it or not these are the first phase problems. I suggest to all new mothers by my experience that as our children of few month can’t really talk so we have to pay more attention to them, an also have to observe them more because once they will start talking things may turn easy to understand.
For early mothers its really important to learn that firstly we should mark out timings of milk, mostly baby takes feed after almost every 2-3 or 3-4 hours. Its more appropriate to give baby mother feed because it provides with the joyful bonding with your baby ,its the perfect nutrition only you can provide, the cost savings as well , and the health benefits for both mother and baby. One should keep in mind that breastfeeding is a learned skill. It requires patience and practice. For some women, the learning stages can be frustrating and uncomfortable. And some situations make breastfeeding even harder, such as babies born early or health problems in the mother but it is like the much you the better you will be.
Benefits of breastfeeding: Breastfeeding Protects Babies, Early breast milk is liquid gold , Your breast milk changes as your baby grows , Breast milk is easier to digest, Breast milk fights disease ,Breast milk is readily available without needing other supplies, Breast milk is the right temperature for babies and helps to prevent hypothermia, when the body temperature drops too low, he cells,hormones, and antibodies in breast milk protect babies from illness, his milk is very rich in nutrients and antibodies to protect your baby and breastfeeding has also been shown to lower the risk of SIDS (sudden infant death syndrome).
Cleanliness is very important before breastfeeding, mother should always clean their breasts with breast pads or warm towel it will avoid all unhygienic things from baby. Make your bond strong with your baby, give them the best so that they can give their best in life.
Things also get blue in starry world
It was all going good, but I never knew with the term so unfamiliar but actually surviving deep inside me, it was post pregnancy depression. My baby was not much annoying but for no good reason I started being rude to people, over sensitive towards small issues, all the time yelling and being biased from everyone even to my spouse. When I went to my doctor for general checkup I shared these problems to her and then I got to know that many a times after delivery of baby women may suffer from this hormonal disorder.
Disorders, pains, or anything bad doesn't really hurt to the extent when your spouse is unable to understand it was the thing which was pinching me a lot. I was really hurt because whenever I used to cry, my husband used to think it was impractical of me without knowing the fact if am doing so I might be disturbed or upset. When he got to know by a doctor that its really true am clinically not okay then he started understanding me a bit. Well without any medication I started recovering from this depression with a passage of time.
Babies are too demanding this is the foremost feeling I realized. I was really blissful to be the part of this innocent world but also at times whenever anything hurts me, or I myself get disturbed for no good reason my daughter is the only one who gets its effects her innocent eyes when used to look at my angry face I got a smile but with filled eyes it used to hurt me when I don't response her the way she expects or deserves.
I have been hearing this thing since I got senses, babies make the couple bond strong but what I have gone through was bit different. my husband used to be very very careful regarding baby but usually started ignoring me he thinks he can handle her well then me but it was not really true. I understand my daughter more than him or anyone .if she cries he expects me to panic as he used to do whereas I don't want to panic I more try to realize why is she weeping or so and point always came up with a conflict between us.
Love and care is not something which is more obvious when you tell it in words , I know what my baby is for me. She has been always the most beautiful part of me. But this tiny phase of depression and lack of understanding between me and my spouse made this happiness bit less and I started wondering that am I going to prove my love for my daughter to people around me or why my man is not understanding my point of depression or problem. I wished at that time that may these blues get down soon because I love my family and wanted to live happily ever after.